
Every 3 monty we publish a newsletter of what happened in our PhD.

This part is curated by the students of our PhD.

SEMINAR announcement:

Building a Framework for

Nonprofit Resiliency

We are delighted to announce that  Prof Elizabeth Searing of the University of Texas at Dallas will deliver a seminar for the Resilience Course, titled "Building a Framework for Nonprofit Resilience".

The seminar will be held at the Department of Economics and Business Studies in the Darsena Area on June 25, from 10 AM to 12 PM in Aula Acquario (floor 1).

As part of the Resilience Course (Cross-course), this seminar will contribute to the course's total credits.

(Further updates on the official start of the Resilience course will be provided in the next weeks)

For further info, email

Poster Session 2024

We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the second Annual Poster Session, kindly hosted by the Department of International and Political Sciences (DISPI) at the beautiful Albergo dei Poveri.

This event provided a vibrant platform for our students to showcase their research and engage in interdisciplinary exchanges. The session was further enriched by an insightful keynote speech from Prof. Roberto Baldoni of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN), alongside an engaging presentation by Nicole Brunetti. And at the close of the event, we enjoyed some networking opportunities over drinks, celebrating the far-reaching impact of our PhD community.

Thank you to everyone – students, faculty, and other members of the university community – who attended and contributed to the success of this event.

To view all the posters, names of the participants, and winners of the Best Poster Award, please visit this page.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Digital Sovereignty: a survival playbook - Lectio Magistralis by Prof. Roberto Baldoni

On Friday 22, 10:00-12:00am, at DIEC (via Francesco Vivaldi, 5, Tabarca Room), Prof. Roberto Baldoni (former Director of the National Cybersecurity Agency) will give a lectio magistralis titled "Digital Sovereignty: a survival playbook".

Abstract: In the contemporary digital era, nations face unprecedented challenges that test their resilience, security, and sovereignty. From the pervasive threat of cyberattacks to the strategic significance of microprocessor development and the restructuring of technological supply chains, the questions of how to secure a skilled workforce, counter disinformation, enhance transparency in software supply chains, and prepare for the quantum computing era are critical. These issues highlight the complexity of navigating the digital landscape amidst the wave of disruptive digital transformation. This talk, drawing on the insights of a pivotal book, explores the uncharted territories at the intersection of geopolitics, national security, and globalization, propelled by digital technology. It introduces a novel concept of digital sovereignty, a dynamic benchmark that prioritizes individuals, data, and digital technologies. This concept is vital for nations aiming to leverage the economic opportunities presented by information technology securely. We will discuss the strategic methodology for managing digital sovereignty, addressing threats such as cyberattacks, disinformation, supply chain vulnerabilities, hostile AI, quantum computing, predatory acquisitions, and workforce shortages. The talk outlines a reference architecture designed to confront these threats, offering guidance for nations to recognize, anticipate, and mitigate risks effectively. Featuring case studies from the USA, China, the EU, and Italy, it emphasizes the importance of vigilant monitoring and strategic adjustments in response to technological, geopolitical, or supply chain shifts.

The event is part of the SERICS Cybersecurity Academy and is supported by the SERICS Extended Partnership (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program funded by the EU - Next Generation EU.

Participatory Planning Meeting at Sanremo Casino!

On July 20, a participatory planning meeting was held at Sanremo Casino. The meeting utilised fuzzy cognitive mapping to identify the most crucial urban functions for the post disaster recovery within Sanremo city as an area exposed to multi risk condition. Local stakeholders actively participated in this event, contributing to the PhD project of Soheil Mohammadi (PhD student in Security, Risk, and Vulnerability - RRENIB curriculum, XXXVII cycle).

Italian Joint Reconnaissance Mission – Türkiye

On May, Silvia Pinasco (PhD student in Security, Risk, and Vulnerability - RRENIB curriculum, XXXVII cycle) went back from the first joint EUCENTRE-ReLUIS mission for post-earthquake damage assessment in Turkey. The mission took place in the areas devastated by the earthquake that occurred last February, with a magnitude of 7.8. An interview made by Ingegnio to Silvia is available here

Poster session_15 Feb_official.pdf

Poster Session!

On Feb 15, the students of the XXXVI and XXXVII cycles will present their research activity in a poster session. Pictures and the actual posters are available here.

The revenge of PhDs: + 15% employment on graduates

A report by Almalaurea evaluates the advantage offered by a PhD.

Best paper award to Cristina Fontanelli

Cristina Fontanelli (PhD candidate in Security, Risk and Vulnerability) has been awarded the prize for the best paper in the top Security Studies conference in Europe (EISS). Congratulations Cristina!

Industrial PhD in partnership with aizoOn

Federica Bizio (Chief Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Division at aizoOn) presents the opportunity of carry out an industrial PhD at the University of Genoa in partnership with aizoOn

Why becoming a FBK PhD student

The Phd Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability offers the opportunity to carry out your research program in collaboration with the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento.

Stella Blumfelde at the Communication Festival, 2021

Stella Blumfelde (PhD Student, XXXVI Cycle) presents the PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability at the Communication Festival in Camogli.