The courses actually activated may change in each academic year.
The list of scheduled CORE- Risk Climate Change and Sustainability Development (RCCSD) courses is the following:
Challenges in Modelling Disaster Displacement Risk- 5 CFU - Teachers: Roberto Rudari, Eva Trasforini, Daria Ottonelli, Lauro Rossi, Tatiana Ghizzoni (CIMA). Contact teacher: roberto.rudari@cimafoundation.org
Early warning systems for hydrological risks- 2 CFU - Teachers: Lorenzo Alfieri, Andrea Libertino, Francesco Dottori, Simone Gabellani (CIMA). Contact teacher: lorenzo.alfieri@cimafoundation.org
Animal-borne sensors for climate change monitoring – 1 CFU - Teacher: Massimiliano Rosso, Anna Borroni- Contact teacher: massimiliano.rosso@cimafoundation.org
Sustainability and environmental risk from historical perspectives: the roots of rural abandonment and present effects – 5 CFU – Teachers: Anna Maria Stagno, Roberta Cevasco, Rebekka Dossche, Ivano Rellini, Sabina Ghislandi, Chiara Molinari - Contact teacher: anna.stagno@unige.it
More details on contents, times, dates, references and exams may be found here.