The courses activated may change in each academic year.
The list of scheduled CORE- Management and Security courses is the following:
Banking and Finance - 1 CFU - Teachers: Francesca Querci, Marco Di Antonio, Laura Nieri (UNIGE). Contact teacher:
Accounting and Accountability – 1 CFU - Teachers: Francesco Avallone (UNIGE). Contact teacher:
Organization theory and design – 1 CFU - Teachers: Angelo Gasparre, Teresina Torre, Lorenzo Mizzau (UNIGE). Contact teacher:
Business Ethics and CSR (6 hours – 1 CFU)- Teacher: Riccardo Spinelli (UNIGE)
Quantitative Research methods for Business Studies (12 hours – 2 CFU) - Teachers: Giulia Leoni & Lorenzo Mizzau (UNIGE) - Contact teacher:
More details on contents, times, dates, references and exams may be found here.