The courses actually activated may change in each academic year.
The list of scheduled CORE- CSRAI courses is the following:
Theory and Practice of Learning from Data (20 hours – 5 CFU)- Luca Oneto (luca.oneto@unige.it) – UNIGE
Information Hiding (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Luca Caviglione (luca.caviglione@ge.imati.cnr.it) – CNR
Network monitoring and inspection (5 CFU) - Matteo Repetto (matteo.repetto@ge.imati.cnr.it) - CNR
Verification of Neural Networks (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Stefano Demarchi e Armando Tacchella (stefano.demarchi@edu.unige.it – armando.tacchella@unige.it)
Blockchain technology and DeFi security Teachers: Meriem Guerar (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Meriem Guerar (meriem.guerar@unige.it) – UNIGE
Virtualization and Containers: An Introduction (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Enrico Russo - (enrico.russo@unige.it) – UNIGE
Mobile Security (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Alessio Merlo (alessio.merlo@unige.it) Luca Verderame (luca.verderame@unige.it) - UNIGE
Adversarial Machine Learning (12 hours - 3 CFU) - Luca Demetrio (luca.demetrio@unige.it ) – UNIGE
Machine Learning Crash Course (20 hours - 5 CFU) - Lorenzo Rosasco (lorenzo.rosasco@unige.it) – UNIGE
The complete description can be found (HERE)