The courses actually activated may change in each academic year.
The list of scheduled CORE- Risk and Resilience Engineering for the Natural, Industrialized and Built Environments (RRENIB) courses is the following:
Processing tools and techniques for Digital Elevation Models and extraction of parameters for flood hazard analysis - 5CFU - Teachers: Giorgio Boni, Giorgio Roth, Domenico Sguerso and Bianca Federici (UNIGE). Contact teacher: giorgio.boni@unige.it
Forecasting approaches and vulnerability analysis for slopes and structuresin relation to landslide risk - 5CFU - Teachers: Riccardo Berardi and Rossella Bovolenta (UNIGE). Contact teacher: riccardo.berardi@unige.it
Science of Storms – 2.5 CFU - Teacher: Dr. Djordje Romanic (McGill University, Canada). Contact teacher: massimiliano.burlando@unige.it
Seismic vulnerability and risk of existing unreinforced masonry structures - 3 CFU - Teachers: Serena Cattari and Sergio Lagomarsino (UNIGE), Contact teacher: serena.cattari@unige.it
Seismic losses and consequences: evaluation procedures and data from recent earthquakes in Italy - 4 CFU - Teachers: Serena Cattari (UNIGE), Marco Di Ludovico (University Federico II of Naples) and Ciro del Vecchio (University of Benevento). This course is made in collaboration with the PhD program in "Structural Engineering, Geotechnics and Seismic Risk" of University Federico II of Naples. Contact teacher: serena.cattari@unige.it
Multi-hazard Risk: definitions and methodologies - 3 CFU - Teachers: Silvia De Angeli (UNIGE). Contact teacher: silvia.deangeli@unige.it
More details on contents, times, dates, references and exams may be found here.