Positions & Scholarships

XL Cycle

The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 30 positions with 29 scholarships. 

Deadline for applications: July 9, 2024, 12:00 (CET)

For more information please visit the UniGe PhD Web Site.

(*) 2 grants funded by Università degli Studi di Genova

(*) 3 grants funded within “SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace (SERICS)” Program

(*) 3 grants funded by FBK Foundation,

(°) 1 position for employee of aizoOn

(*) 2 grants funded by Università degli Studi di Genova

(*)1 grant cofunded by MUR/Department (DICCA)

(*) 1 grant funded within D.M. 630 dated 24.4.2024 (co-funded by ETT S.p.a), under condition to the approval of Ministerial funding

(*) 2 grants funded within PROGRAMMA REGIONALE FONDO SOCIALE EUROPEO+ 2021-2027 PRIORITÀ 2 - ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE - ESO 4.6 (OS-f) in collaboration and with the contribution of Fondazione CIMA.


The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 36 positions with 34 scholarships. 

Deadline for applications: July 10, 2023, 12:00 (CET)


For more information please visit the UniGe PhD Web Site.


The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 9 positions with 7 scholarships. 

Deadline for applications: December 6, 2022, 12:00 (CET)

For more information please visit the UniGe PhD Web Site.

The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 26 positions with 23 scholarships. 

Deadline for applications: July 6 June 30, 2022, 12:00 (CEST)

For more information please visit the UniGe PhD Web Site.


The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 19 positions.  Deadline for applications: November 11, 2021

The PhD Program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 19 positions.  Deadline for applications: June 15, 2021

The scholarships amount to 15.343,28 Euro gross per year.


The PhD Programme in Security, Risk and Vulnerability of the University of Genoa offers 16 positions with scholarship:

The scholarships funded by MIUR and FBK amount to 15.343,28 Euro gross per year.

The scholarship funded by Fincantieri amounts to 16.500,00 Euro gross per year.